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Diary of an Anxious Horse and Protective Mummy

About 2 years ago, I bought the horse of my dreams, a then 5 year old, beautiful if rather anxious Trakehner by the late elite stallion Caprimond.

All was going well, we were getting to know each other and I was starting to understand his extremely quirky personality and we were enjoying the owner/slave relationship, that is to say, my horse owns me and I’m a slave to all of his needs! This amazing horse stood at 16.2hh at 5 and is still growing, not only upwards but outwards, my vet has recently joked that he would’t look out of place in heavy weight hunter classes and he’s supposed to be a dancing dressage diva! This adding of extra weight is due to an enforced sedentary lifestyle as about 9 months ago he sustained an injury to the Impar Ligament in his foot and has been off work since. Without going in to the ins and outs of this injury, suffice to say it’s not an easy injury to deal with, especially in a horse as big, heavy and frankly mentally unstable as him! I’m led to believe that very few horses actually make it back in to work, if indeed they make it at all. Luckily for me having nine months off, finally finding a calmer that has taken the edge off his anxiety and lack of self-preservation has meant that under the guidance of the RVC and his vet the decision was made to see if he can be a ridden horse again.

Now, I feel I should mention that I’m a very protective mummy to all of the four legged fluffy beasties that own me. So, after much deliberation, research and bending the ears of Bronny Naylor (New Hatches Livery and Rehabilitation Centre’s Propietor) his bags were packed and off to rehab he went.

Upon his arrival, the staff at New Hatches Livery and Rehabilitation Centre were exceptional. His bedroom was immaculate, every care had been taken to ensure bio security, his dietary requirements (more supplements than you can shake a stick at) were logged, he had his own field (you can’t keep this horse stabled he needs field time) and all the rehab equipment was explained and demonstrated to me. Between my vet and New Hatches an injury program was devised for the three weeks of his stay, this was also explained at great length.

Having now had my mind put at ease about leaving my special (in more ways than one!) boy, I left him in the capable hands of the rehab centre with copious amounts of Sedalin! That evening, I received a text letting me know he was happy, settled and munching his way through hay, the traitorous swine, he could at least pretend to be missing me and his friends! However, I’m sure his idle contentment will be short lived when he realises that his world of lazy living is about to change when presented with the Salt Water Treadmill.

Next instalment to follow soon ………………..

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