Why Choose Our Salt Aqua Combi?
Our salt water treadmill / spa combination allows the horses to gain from both treatments without the need to move them from one place to another.
This amazing piece of equipment is essential to help horses achieve their full recovery potential and enhance fitness, working their cardiovascular activity, increasing stride length, muscle tone, straightness, strength and cooling down of lower limbs.
The cold water therapy helps to reduce risk of injury after exercise, also offering rapid relief from pain, swelling, bruising and recent tissue damage as it decreases blood flow to reduce inflammation. This is enhanced by our chilled salt water which helps reduce swelling further and aids natural healing of wounds. Whilst on the Salt Aqua Treadmill the horse is encouraged to move in a natural outline without the constraints of a saddle or rider. This non-concussive environment works the muscles and helps to build strong tendons and ligaments in the legs whilst encouraging straightness.
This treatment can be built in to your fitness program and used in place of ridden exercise.
We can offer treadmill treatments, spa treatments and programs combining the two, a treadmill treatment for a workout followed by the chilled salt water spa treatment. Controlled, supervised exercise for rehabilitation, fitness and aerobic activity.
Tendon and Ligament Injuries
Soft Tissue Damage
Hoof Related Problems
Wound Healing
To support recovery post competition
To help prevent injury
And More...
The Chilled Salt Water Spa Facility Aids The Recovery Of...
Our Salt Aqua Treadmill Price: £35+vat.
Discount is available with 6 sessions or more.
Insurance companies recognise our Salt Aqua treadmill benefits of Hydrotherapy and will cover all costs for this treatment.
Stabling and other treatments also available at New Hatches, please contact us for package prices.