Facilities @NewHatches

30 acres of all year round grazing
5 & 7 Day Livery as well as DIY assisted
Individual turnout with dedicated summer and winter paddocks
Option for turning out at night in the summer
Outdoor school 30x60m with fabulous views and a Combi Ride surface
Outdoor Lunge Pen & liberty pen
60 acres of off road hacking
Indoor Horse walker
Dedicated barn for livery horses with large internal stables
Salt water Treadmill with Spa
Vibrating floor and Weigh bridge
Dedicated grooming/clipping box
Solarium with ultra violet and infer red lights
Lesson and clinics( own trainers welcome)
Regular visits from osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports massage saddle fitters
24 hour supervision - staff members and owner on site
Rug washing and re proofing and repairs on site
On site Farrier
Large secure and heated tack room - ample storage
Rehabilitation turn out pens for all year round controlled turnout
Very secure yard, full CCTV covering yard recorded and monitored remotely,
Automatic and remote lighting
Large areas for lorry and trailer parking
Kitchen with refreshments
Disabled toilet facilities
Wound treatment​
TENS machine
Electromagnetic rug FMBS
Light therapy
Liaising with your vet and therapist
Assisting with Insurance claims